NanoFuel® FLASH Assay for Oplophorus Luciferases
NanoFuel FLASH assay buffer is an alternative for assays that are using substrates like native Coelenterazine or Coeleterazine analogs to achieve even higher bioluminescent readouts with Oplophorus luciferases like NanoLuc® or NanoKAZ.
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Kit content
- 50 ml NanoFuel® FLASH Reagent for Oplophorus Luciferase
- 1 ml 50X NLuc FLASH Substrate
one-step assay
bright luminescent signal for at least a few minutes
higher sensitivity than CTZ or Furimazine
low background, higher S/N ratio
enough reagent for 1000 assays
luminometer with injection port is recommended
although the substrate will diffuse into the cells this process can be accelerated by a lysis step, please select “add Lysis” under product options to add 50ml of 5x Universal Lysisbuffer (CAT# 333) to your order
Graph below: HEK293 cells were transformed with NLuc and assayed 2 days later using a luminometer with injection port. Compared to other NLuc assay buffers, Cat. #324 increased the inital lightoutput with a reduced signal half-life. This data was kindly provided by the Neuroscience Department at Central Michigan University.
Protocols & Manuals
Suitable for following luciferases
Oplophorus Luciferase (wildtype, 196 aa, 19.5 kDa) GI:10336559
NanoKAZ (171 aa, 19.1 kDa) GI:525342150
NanoLuc® (171 aa, 19.1 kDa) GI:386649645 NanoLuc® is a registered trademark of Promega Corp.
CAT# 325NLuc GLOW Assay
For a more steady, GLOW-type kineticread morelCAT# 3815NanoKAZ Luciferase Protein (PBS)NanoKAZ Luciferase in PBS, an Oplophorus Luciferase mutant is one of the smallest and brightest luciferases. This recom...read morel
CAT# 381NanoKAZ Luciferase ProteinNanoKAZ Luciferase, an Oplophorus Luciferase mutant is one of the smallest and brightest luciferases. This recombinant ...read morel
By Category (NanoKaz (NLuc) Assay)
- 324NLuc FLASH Assay
- 325NLuc GLOW Assay